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This divine precept of man's divinity is shun by the followers of orthodox

   I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." (John 14:6)Or in other words,"I AM the true model and I represent the true way of attaining that Divine State 5050 led module for street light of Sonship. Become as 'I AM.'"This possibility is the essence of the gospel--this is the good news--this is the kingdom come--this is the Resurrection--this is the Second Coming. This is the promised Kingdom of God that is at hand and not located in some astral realm or to be entered into in the afterlife or during the Apocalypse in the last days. It is NOW that the kingdom of God is to be attained by one and all--no matter what your religious affiliation. May all heed this and live a purposeful life.Man's DivinityMan's true nature and reality was a hushed subject that the Christ Initiate taught to the inner circle of his followers. Some of his statements concerning man are to be found in the gospels. His enigmatic sayings about his relationship to his father were statements of truth that applies to humankind collectively, and was never meant to indicate to the masses of any exceptionality on his part as a sole "son of God." 

 As a result of this misunderstanding, perhaps deliberately, of the words of the Master, modern Christians worship the son in the form of Jesus and not in the light of the Christ divinity within. Throughout the centuries, the precepts of man's divinity have been overlooked, misinterpreted, and misrepresented. The human, mortal, sinful side has been unduly stressed and emphasized to a morbid degree. The Light shone in the darkness, but the darkness took no trouble to understand its nature and source. There are those that fear Light in the form of truth, for its nature reveals the true state of things--things which are uncomfortable to those who resent movements in an upward spiral by personal effort. Jesus and other prophets before him declared that men were gods,"I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High." (Psalms 82:6)"Shew the things that are to come hereafter, that we may know that ye are gods: yea, do good, or do evil, that we may be dismayed, and behold it together." (Isa 41:23)"Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?" (John:10:34)That we are more than mortals is echoed in the "Thou art That" proclamation of certain Hindu philosophies. 

This divine precept of man's divinity is shun by the followers of orthodox Christianity as a teaching of the devil and not acknowledged to be true because of their erroneous comprehension of the scriptures and the faith that they have upon the dogmas and creeds arbitrarily created by corrupted theologians. People are indoctrinated to believe in things that do not reflect reality, things that mostly cannot be verified by personal experience. Where there is a lack of intuitive understanding, where ignorance and fanaticism holds sway, the mind and emotions will cause the jiva or soul to stagnate in a bog of their own construction. This imposes self-limitation, self-restriction that is well depicted in Plato's Cave allegory.Man believes what he wants to believe, and until he replaces beliefs and fancies with experiential knowledge of his divinity he will continue to experience the torments of "hell"--the pain, suffering, fear, and anguish. Herein lies evil, for evil opposes all activities that frees the soul from bondage to matter, from advancing on the path of evolution; and man unconsciously swims against the currents that would lead him to the other shore.



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